Interpretation of Ozymandias
This poem is actually about the story of Egyptian greatest king in 13th century B.C., Ramses II, who is called Ozymandias by the Greeks.
In the first sentence, Shelley describes the huge
statue of Ozymandias which is in Egypt’s dessert. Nevertheless, in this poem the statue is
told in the terrible condition—two vast trunk less legs, half sunk frowning
visage, with wrinkled lip—which means that the sculpture is getting ruined.
Still, it attempts to show the greatness of Ozymandias through the statue which
is made as real as Ozymandias himself. Thus, it seems like the statue tells
people seeing it about the grandeur of Ozymandias even though it is now “stamped
on the lifeless things”—the both sculptor and Ozymandias died already.
In the line 9-11, Ozymandias did not only use to be the king
of kings, but now he is still the king of kings. “Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!” My works are by connotation interpreted as his
effort to expand the region of power which at the time is from East Syria to
North Republic of Sudan, and the current Egypt is the impact of his works in
the past. Thus, Shelley uses present tense—“My name is Ozymandias, king of
kings”—instead of the past one. This part is the key of the message to be
delivered by the poem. It is depicted in this part, however the statue
attempted to tell about Ozymandias’ greatness, eventually that great statue
will get ruined, destroyed, forgotten, and lonely in the dessert.
So, this poem actually uses Ozymandias as
the parable. It is by connotation means that there is nothing in the world which is
long lasting exalted, even it is the Greatest Ozymandias. The unknown traveler
in this poem is representing the fact witnessing the life and/or the writer
perspective admitting that ultimately everything has its end and will be
Click the title to read the next chapters.
3. Comparison of Viva La Vida and Ozymandias
4. Syntax, Metaphor, and Moral Value Analysis of Viva La Vida and Ozymandias
4. Syntax, Metaphor, and Moral Value Analysis of Viva La Vida and Ozymandias
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